
withdrawal pains

I have been without home internet for over a week, and it won’t be hooked up again until Thursday – add to that the I was out of town for a week and you have one geek girl who is very very behind on her shows. A coworker downloaded 2 episodes of Heroes for me but I am 2 weeks or more behind on these:

Stargate Atlantis
Pushing Daisies
The Office
Ugly Betty
Bionic Woman
How I Met Your Mother
30 Rock

Wow, for someone with no cable I watch a ton of tv, and my two faves (Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica) aren’t even showing new episodes right now. I also want to start watching Samantha Who because one of the writers is a blogger who I have been reading for years, so I will be catching up on it as soon as I get all wired up again. Maybe I need to re-evaluate how I am spending my time, even minus commercials that adds up to over 6 hours.

The following are shows that I started watching but quickly grew bored or disgusted with:
Bionic Woman
(but I’m still watching in case it magically turns watchable)
Big Bang Theory
Desperate Housewives
(I wanted to watch it for Nathan’s sake but it’s so awful I just can’t)
Californication (as above, I wanted to watch this to see David, and it has it’s good moments, but mostly it gives me a headache)

28 days later

Instead of watching tv shows this last week or so I have made a pineapple cake and a yummy stew, walked the dog in the fall air, attempted to catch up on my rss feeds (thanks Google Gears), read a few books, and watched a couple of movies. Last night’s movie was 28 Days Later – I admit that I haven’t seen most of Christopher Eccleston’s work, but so far everything I catch him in that is not Doctor Who is creepy, creepy, creepy. What’s up with that?

2 Responses to “withdrawal pains”

  1. 1 GrantTLC
    November 8, 2007 at 1:38 pm

    It’s his ears. They make him ideal for creepy things.

  2. November 9, 2007 at 10:44 am

    That could very well be. My working theory so far has had to do with the odd shape of his head, but the ears are also very interesting.

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